home > silks > habotai (45") > blues

10 swatches
10 swatches
our price:$12.99


Free shipping, any silk, any color!  Each swatch is approximately 2.5" x 2.75".  Please group your colors together by silk type (dupioni, taffeta, etc.) more info
our price:$24.00


Embodies the cheery musicality of those who find joy in everyday life. more info
our price:$24.00


We feel this color evokes the watery light blue hue we fell in love with in painting class many years ago... more info
habotai collection
habotai collection
our price:$29.99


Free shipping! Why not hold ALL 30+ of our habotai (china silk) swatches in the palm of your hand so you can decide exactly which color to get? more info